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renforce tous les muslces du corps, surtout de la paroi abdominale en assouplissant et renforçant les grands dorsaux, les obliques, les trapèzes et les deltoids

améliore la souplesse de la colonne du coccyx au cou

redessine et affine la taille, les hanches, les fesses et les cuisses

Strengthens every muscle in the body’s core, especially in the abdomen, and flexes and strengthens the latissimus dorsi, oblique, deltoid and trapezious muscles.

It increases the flexibility of the spine, from coccyx to neck;  

Trims the waistline, hips, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.

Gives quick energy and vitality

Revitalizes liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys

Works deltoid, trapezius, pectoralis major and hamstrings

Helps lower back pain, constipation, obesity, scoliotic deformities and frozen shoulders

Corrects bad posture